AP Racing Catalogue Issue 4

visit www.apracing.com for installation drawings & up to date product range details 27 BRAKE CALIPERS - Spare Parts Listings Caliper Assemblies Seal Repair Kit Part No. Bleedscrew or Kit Part No. Piston 1 - Part No. Piston 2 - Part No Piston 3 - Part No Pad Retainer Part No. Fluid Pipe Part No. Wear Plate Part No. x Qty. CP2195-1002/1003E0 CP4518-K CP3720-182 CP2195-9 CP2055 CP2270-144/145S4QR CP4518-KK CP3720-182 CP2270-92 CP2271-182/183S4QR CP4518-JJ CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2279-400S4BP CP4518-LL CP3720-182 CP2279-6 CP2361-96/97S4QR CP4518-JJ CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2382-12/13E4 CP4518-N CP3720-182 CP2383-52 CP2383-12E0 & -12/13E4 CP4518-N CP3720-182 CP2383-52 CP2485-2/3S0L CP4508-L CP3720-182 CP2195-157 CP2696-160 CP2485-8/9S0L CP4508-L CP3720-182 CP2195-157 CP2696-160 CP2505-34/35S0L CP4508-K CP3720-182 CP2195-14 CP2696-160 CP2505-3S0L CP4508-K CP3720-182 CP2195-14 CP2696-160 CP2561-3S4 CP4518-J CP3720-173 CP2260-66 CP2554-106 CP2576-12E0 CP4518-K CP3720-182 CP2576-105 CP2576-3E0 CP4518-K CP3720-182 CP2576-105 CP2577-12E0 CP4518-L CP3720-182 CP2577-102 CP2577-14E0 CP4518-L CP3720-182 CP2577-102 CP2577-15E0 CP4518-L CP3720-182 CP2577-102 CP2577-3E0 CP4518-L CP3720-182 CP2577-102 CP2696-38E0 CP4518-K CP3720-182 CP2195-9 CP2055 CP3176-2E0 CP4518-J CP3720-182 CP3176-102 CP3177-2E0 CP4518-H CP3720-182 CP3177-102 CP3177-4E0 CP4518-H CP3720-182 CP3177-102 CP3178-2E0 CP4518-E CP3720-182 CP3178-102 CP3228-10/11S4 CP4518-JJ CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3228-4 CP3228-26/27S4 CP4518-JJ CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3228-4 CP3228-28/29S4 CP4518-JJ CP3720-182 CP2361-4 CP3228-4 CP3228-38/39S4 CP4518-JJ CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3228-4 CP3228-44/45S4 CP4518-JJ CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3228-4 CP3228-6/7S4 CP4518-JJ CP3720-182 CP2361-4 CP3228-4 CP3307-1004/1005S0 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-246 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-1016/1017S0 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-248 CP3307-264 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-1028/29S4 & -1034/35S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-246 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-1038/39S4 & -1046/7/8/9S0 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-246 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-1052/53/54/55 & 1058/9S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-246 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-1064/65/66/67S0 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-246 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-14/-15S4& 262/263S0 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-246 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-58/59/60/61S4 & -64/65S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-246 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-68/69S0 & -74/5/6/7S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-246 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-72/73S0 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-248 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3307-84/85S0 & -92/93/96/97S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP2260-66 CP2270-92 CP3307-246 CP3216-29 CP3307-222 x 4 CP3344-1000/1/2/3S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-122 CP3344-113 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3344-12/13S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-108 CP3344-110 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3344-36/37S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-122 CP3344-113 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3344-48/49/50/51S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-127 CP3344-140 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3344-60/61S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-161 CP3344-164 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3345-10/11/12/13S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-122 CP3344-113 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3345-14/15/16/17S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3345-117 CP3345-116 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3345-2/3S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-108 CP3344-110 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3345-40/41S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-122 CP3344-113 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3345-4/5/6/7S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-108 CP3344-110 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3345-88/89/90/91S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3344-122 CP3344-113 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3345-94/95S4 CP4518-JK CP3720-182 CP3228-103 CP3344-109 CP3345-162 CP3345-96 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3369-2/3E0 CP4518-DG 3486-229 CP3086-115 CP3369-114 CP3395-1050/51/52/53S7 CP4519-HJ CP3720-182 CP3636-107 CP3394-109 CP3788-112 CP3395-1054 CP3846-101 x 4 CP3395-2/3/4/5S4 CP4519-KL CP3720-182 CP3394-109 CP3394-110 CP3394-113 CP3394-111 CP3394-140 x 4 CP3395-2/3/4/5S4M CP4518-KL CP3720-182 CP3395-110 CP3395-109 CP3394-113 CP3394-111 CP3394-140 x 4 CP3395-82/83U9L CP4518-HJ CP4100-113 CP3463-106 CP3463-107 CP3395-145 CP3395-135 CP3394-118 x 2 / CP3394-140 x 2 CP3434-1000/1/2/3S4 CP4518-KL CP3720-182 CP3434-116 CP3434-117 CP4890-101 CP3434-15 CP3470-38/39S7 CP4509-JK CP3720-182 CP3257-108 CP3257-109 CP4890-101 CP3434-14 CP3470-42/43S7 CP4509-JK CP3720-182 CP3257-108 CP3257-109 CP4890-101 CP3434-14 CP3552-14S0 CP4509-JK 3486-268 CP3552-132 3662-345 CP3552-18/19S0 NOT AVAILABLE 3486-268 3278-203 3662-345 CP3552-8/9S0 NOT AVAILABLE 3486-268 3278-203 3662-345 CP3556-2/3S4 CP4509-EE CP3720-182 CP3577-103 CP3344-122 CP3344-113 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3567-16/17/18/19S4 CP4518-GK CP3720-182 CP3567-108 CP3344-109 CP3344-161 CP3344-164 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3567-8/9S7 CP4518-GK CP3720-182 CP3567-108 CP3344-109 CP3345-117 CP3345-116 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3577-6/7S4 CP4509-EE CP3720-182 CP3577-103 CP4069-108 CP3344-113 CP3567-109 x 4 CP3620-12/13S4M CP4509-EE CP3720-173 CP4910-115 CP4890-101 CP3620-8 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3620-2/3S0M CP4518-EE CP3720-173 CP3620-103 CP4890-101 CP3620-8 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3620-2/3S4 CP4509-EE CP3720-173 CP3760-110 CP4890-101 CP3620-8 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3620-2/3S7M CP4509-EE CP3720-173 CP3620-103 CP3434-118 CP3620-8 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3676-4E0 CP4518-K CP3720-182 CP2576-105 CP3677-4E0 CP4518-L CP3720-182 CP2577-102 CP3696-6E0 CP4518-K CP3720-182 CP3696-105 CP3697-2E0 CP4518-L 3486-229 CP3697-104 CP3720-10/11S4 CP4518-L CP3720-173 CP3720-126 CP3720-125 CP4890-101 CP3720-35 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-12/13/14/15S4 CP4509-JL CP3720-173 CP3720-126 CP3720-125 CP3440-118 CP3720-36 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-16/17S0M CP4509-JL CP3720-173 CP3720-115 CP3720-114 CP4890-101 CP3720-34 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-16/17S4 CP4509-JL CP3720-173 CP3720-126 CP3720-125 CP3434-118 CP3720-34 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-16/17S4M CP4509-JL CP3720-173 CP3720-115 CP3720-114 CP3434-118 CP3720-34 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-18/19S4M CP4509-JL CP3720-173 CP3720-115 CP3720-114 CP4890-101 CP3720-34 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-30/31/32/33S4 CP4509-JL CP3720-173 CP3720-126 CP3720-125 CP3679-117 CP3720-38 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-30/31S4M CP4509-JL CP3720-107 CP3720-115 CP3720-114 CP3679-117 CP3720-38 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-42/43/44/45S4 CP4509-JL CP3720-173 CP3720-126 CP3720-125 CP4890-101 CP3720-34 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-42/43/44/45S4M CP4509-JL CP3720-173 CP3720-115 CP3720-114 CP4890-101 CP3720-34 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-76/77/78/79S4M CP4518-JL CP3720-173 CP4910-114 CP3720-177 CP4890-101 CP3720-34 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-78/79S4 CP4518-JL CP3720-173 CP3344-192 CP5000-209 CP4890-101 CP3720-34 CP3720-106 x 4 CP3720-84/85S4M CP4509-JL CP3720-173 CP3720-115 CP3720-114 CP4890-101 CP3720-34 AP Racing has compiled a spare parts section to help our customers identify replacement parts such as pistons, seal repair kits, pad retainers, wear plates, bleedscrews and fluid pipes (Pipes for race calipers ONLY, see note below) for not only the brake calipers in this publication but also for those that are NOT included but still in production and those that have been obsoleted over recent years. NOTE: Road/Performance replacement fluid pipes are not available for individual sale, and should be return to AP Racing for replacements. The obsolete brake calipers may or may not have the individual components still available, but having a reference may help identify alternatives. Please contact AP Racing for information and advice on those caliper once identified. These parts are available for sale individually, except those mentioned above. Please contact AP Racing for clarification whether the part is still available or if it’s been replaced by another, then contact your nearest official distributor for a quote and to purchase.